Connection is the energetic layer of the Spirituality Life Element in Wellness 360, a framework I use in my work and personal life.

Change your community, change your world

The world’s most successful people say that you are most like the five people you hang out with the most.

That’s because your well-being is mainly dependent on the nature and quality of your relationships.

It goes beyond your romantic partners and family members. Your relationships encompass everyone from your partners to your siblings to your coworkers to your neighbors to… you get the idea.

I’m talking about connection, consciousness, community.


Feeling connected comes with feelings of belonging, love, and fulfillment.

Connection is the active layer of the Spirituality Life Element in Wellness 360, a framework I use in my work and personal life.

Spirituality is not meant in the religious sense, but rather an energetic one where you feel connected to something bigger than you - call it God, Source, the Universe. It’s how we give our lives meaning and what helps to drive our purpose, passions, and mission in life.

Every part of our being affects how we feel, the choices we make, and how we move through the world. That’s why the connection has to start with you, with your inner world - understanding who you are, what truly matters to you, your values.

When you are connected within, you raise your vibrational frequency, allowing you to connect externally with your physical world through the people you meet. Only now that you’re connected will you connect with those closer to your vibration.

Your state of enabling you to make the choices that will lead you to a happier, healthier,, and more fulfilled life, the very definition of wellness.

While everything starts with intention, intention begins with getting clear and getting precise starts with awareness, a.k.a consciousness.


Oxford Languages Dictionary defines consciousness as 'the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.' and 'a person's awareness or perception of something'

It is aware of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. It is your awareness of yourself and the world around you which is subjective and individual to you.

One moment you may be focused on reading this thought piece, and the next, your consciousness takes you to the memory of a conversation you had earlier with a colleague. Then, to a thought of how long yyou'vebeen sitting in your chair, or to what yyou'regoing to have for dinner.

There are varying levels of consciousness and different levels of awareness, but as I said, everything starts with understanding. I am learning to be more present by noticing the thoughts, memories, feelings, and surroundings.

Your experience is smooth and effortless, but the ever-changing stream of thoughts can change dramatically from one moment to the next. Notice how you are moving through and responding to the world around you.

Be fully present.


Community is the energetic layer in the Relationships Life Element of Wellness 360. There is a direct relationship between our connection to community and our well-being.

The World Health Organization (WHO) includes social well-being in its definition of health: “A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being not merely the absence of disease.”

New studies proveprove that having positive social relationships shas both short and long-termlong-term health effects, including emotional support and connection. Sociologists who have been studying social relationships have established a link between social relations and our health.

The word community comes from two words: “common” + “unity.”

We unite as human beings when we find we have things in common, regardless of our different opinions, backgrounds, experiences,, and beliefs.

Each member of my family was born in a different country, so,I never quite fit in growing up, growing up and I knew I had a different perspective than most. I was born in a different country, and I traveled to far-off places such as Egypt, I had a unique upbringing.

When you decide to live in a new country, whether short-term or long-term, the first thing you feel without, after the excitement, of course, is community. That belongingness.

You are making friends and meeting new contacts such as bank managers, hairdressers, gym owners… essentially anyone that will help you make the most of your day-to-day and new friends. It is like the first day at school.

I’ve been involved and part of some fantastic communities including, Costa Women, B.I.G. Believe. Inspire. Grow., and most recently, High Net Connect.

Costa Women, led by the fabulous Ali Meehan, has been in existence for over ten years helping those who move to Spain or are thinking of moving to Spain to come into a beautiful community with social and business events and networking opportunities.

B.I.G., led by the fabulous Tara Gilvar, has been in existence for over 13 years, originating in New Jersey, ,U.S.A. and expanding globally when the pandemic hit in 2020.

It is for entrepreneurial women looking to move forward in life, both professionally and personally, with virtual and live events surrounding six key pillars: Entrepreneurship, Fashion & Beauty, Health & Wellness, Family & Relationships, House & Home, and Financial Literacy.

Debra Umberson, Jennifer Karas Montez

2010 • Journal of health and social behavior 10.1177/0022146510383501

High Net Connect (HNC), let by the one and only Liz Baitson was launched in 2021 and is devoted to HNWI/UHNWI & their families, as well as their service providers.

Yours truly is the host of HNC Marbella and alongside other hosts around the world, we curate exclusive on and offline spaces for business, fun and philanthropy in three distinct sectors.

To subscribe and learn more, go to

Being a part of these communities has led to incredible opportunities, such as speaking at the International Women’s Day Event in Marbella, hosting global virtual events that have empowered women to create and transform their businesses and their lives, and curating retreats and events in the south of Spain.

Most of all it’s led to memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

As I always say, vision is the destination, strategy is the pathway there, and you are the key to making it happen.

I truly believe that community is about relationships first, business second. Those that have their priorities right are the most successful.

Who do you have in your inner circle? Are they lifting you up or dragging you down?



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